Cups and Bowls

Artifacts like cups and bowls were essential to help Alonzo Pond's expedition group study ancient Algerian culture.

They brought a group of the artifacrs back, some listed below. On prior expedtions to the area, they had uncovered skeletons, shells, bags, and baskets.

To view artifacts from previous Logan-Algeria expeditions, click here.

The cups, bowls, spearhead, and spindle from the 1930 expedition gave the researchers insight into how inhabitants lived hundreds of years ago. For example, their diet could be determined by examining residue on the pottery.

The exbidition's overall purpose was to discover which route ancient Algerians used during migration, and determining the diet could help them figure it out. If something found in a bowl was only found in one specific place, it meant that the ancient Algerians traveled thrhough that place.

Click on the pictures to get a closeup!


Large metal leaf-shaped spearhead.

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Spindle and whorlboth wooden.