Browse Items (177 total)

"The Programme of the Shakespeare Society '11 '12"

The Shakespeare Society_2.jpg
A program from the Beloit Shakespeare Society. It is fragile and roughly 4 by 5 inches. It details the society's members, by-laws, program, and calendar.

"The Shakespeare Society"

_The Shakespeare Society_ Round Table 1899 small.JPG
A Round Table article from 1899, discussing the founding of the Shakespeare Society. The piece is roughly a paragraph long. The image is from a scan made by Fred Burwell.

"The Shakespeare Society"

The Shakespeare Society (1).pdf
A Round Table article from 1909, written by Ada Goldsmith. The clipping gives a basic history of the Shakespeare Society from its founding to the 1909. The image here is a scan made by Fred Burwell.

"Trusty Busty"

Trusty busty activity.jpg
Male students doing a training exercise on an obstacle course they called "Trusty Busty".

"WAA High Point Winners"

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A collage of the Women's Athletics Association highest point winners of 1921.

"War Activities"

Women activities 1.jpg
Images of the different activities students became involved in during the war.

"War Touches a Campus"

War touches a campus 1.jpg
An essay written by a student after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The essay describes how life at the college changed drastically in terms of students, and academics.

"Women and Sports"

A page from the pamphlet "Hail to the Conquering of Coed." This section is focused on early women students' sports.

"Women's Athletics Association"

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An article about the Women's Athletic Association of Beloit College and it's officers. Includes a photograph of the officers.

"Worth Cottage"

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8 women posing in Worth Cottage with a guitar, a mandolin, and three frilly pillows.